Order from hungarian state railways 1,000 – Liebherr Downloads User Manual
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Order from Hungarian State Railways
Leveling Actuator for Chicago Suburban Trains
New Office
in Paris
On September 15, 2011, Liebherr-
Transportation Systems opened a
new office in Gennevilliers, near Paris
(France). The team in Paris has been
supporting customers in South Eu-
rope and Latin America for the past
five years, building up close relation-
ships with car manufacturers and rail-
way operators.
The five specialists that belong to the team
cover the fields of marketing and sales,
project management, engineering support
and customer service. They work closely
with Liebherr-Transportation Systems’
headquarters in Korneuburg (Austria).
In February 2012, Liebherr-Transportation
Systems received the order from the
Hungarian State Railways (MAV) to pro-
vide heating, ventilation and air condition-
ing systems (HVAC systems) for two new
prototype cars of the so called IC + train.
These coaches will be built in Szolnok,
about 100 km east of Budapest, and will
be ready by the end of the year 2012. The
Liebherr-Transportation Systems deliv-
ered the 1,000
leveling actuator for the
active hydraulic level-adjustment system
of suburban train vehicles to Chicago
Transit Authority (CTA), Illinois (USA).
Liebherr was awarded the contract to de-
velop and supply this hydraulic system
after Bombardier Transportation had re-
ceived, in 2006, from CTA the order to
supply the suburban train vehicles. The
fleet is equipped with a special system
The establishment of a larger office in
Paris is a strong signal of the compa-
ny's long-term commitment to provide
train manu facturers and operators with
an even better level of support and re-
activity and meet each customer’s indi-
vidual requirements.
contract considers an option of 48 addi-
tional coaches.
The IC+ train can operate with
a speed of up to 200 km/h
and is expected to be taken into
service in Hungary and on interna-
tional routes in 2013. The project is
supported by the European Union.
for level-adjustment that makes board-
ing and de-boarding easier, for disabled
people in particular. It enables the ad-
justment of the entrance height of the
carriages to each station or platform
the train approaches.
This was the first significant order in
the field of active hydraulic leveling sys-
tems won by Liebherr-Transportation
Systems. The leveling-system was de-
veloped and is manufactured at the
Heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) unit
company’s facilities in Lindenberg
Suspension strut and
hydraulic power unit
Left to right:
Christian Rauscher
Managing Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG
Francis Niss
President Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS
Eléonor Borrallo-Gautier
Head of Paris Office, SW Europe & Latin America,
Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG
Josef Gropper
Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, Production,
Purchasing and Asset Investments, Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS
Dirk Junghans
Managing Director Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG
Chicago Transit
Authority (CTA) rail car
Transportation Systems