Supplying swiss railways’ double-decker – Liebherr Downloads User Manual

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Delivery of Additional Air Conditioning Systems
to Slovakian Passenger Intercity Coaches

In May 2012, Liebherr-Transporta-
tion Systems has started to supply
the Slovakian railway vehicle man-
ufacturer and maintenance compa-
ny ZOS Trading s.r.o., based in Vrutky,
with ten additional air conditioning sys-
tems for passenger intercity coaches.

ZOS Trading s.r.o. had received the or-
der from Slovakian railway operator
ZSSK. The contract includes ten inter-
city coaches of the latest generation
Ampeer and Bmpeer series, with an
option for another 30 vehicles.

Supplying Swiss Railways’ Double-Decker

Liebherr-Transportation Systems has
recently been selected by Bombar-
dier's bogies business unit to supply
the roll compensation and lateral sus-
pension systems for Swiss Railways’
next generation double-decker inter-
city service. This project will feature

Bombardier FLEXX* Tronic WAKO*
technology which is an innovative me-
chatronic system for the compensation
of the natural roll movement of a car
body. Integrated into the existing sec-
ondary suspension, it allows a speed
increase of ~15 % in curves and, as a

result, shorter journey times with lower
investment in infrastructure.

Liebherr’s scope of supplies for this
system covers electro-hydraulic actu-
ators with integrated power electron-
ics for 59 trains. The parts will be de-
livered to Bombardier's bogies site in
Siegen (Germany). With this innovative
project Liebherr has proven once more
that the company is a reliable partner
for the railway industry with extensive
experience in the field of integrated hy-
draulic systems.

* Trademark of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries

Liebherr-Transportation Systems Delivers
HVAC Units for Class 158 Series

Railway Projects Limited, Derby (UK),
awarded Liebherr a contract for the de-
livery of additional air conditioning sys-
tems for its Class 158 Express Sprinter
diesel multiple units.

These trains are operated by First
ScotRail Ltd. of Scotland and owned by
Angel Trains, a leading asset manage-
ment and train leasing company in the
UK, which finances the purchase and in-
stallation of the new systems.

The two-car trains will be retrofitted with
a total of 20 Liebherr heating, ventilation,
air conditioning (HVAC) units. In addition
to two separate air conditioning units for
installation in the roof area at both ends
of the carriage, the package includes an
underfloor-mounted hydraulically driven
alternator in the middle of the car and a
cab kit, which supplies conditioned air
to the driver’s cabin. The units are con-
trolled by existing HVAC controllers.

Liebherr has already delivered 75 sys-
tems for this type of coaches and is
proud to contribute to the Slovakian
railways’ and to ZOS Vrutky’s further
development and increased success
by supplying innovative air condition-
ing systems.

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Transportation Systems