Liebherr Downloads User Manual
Page 11

New Generation of Compact,
Reliable and Service-Friendly Actuators
Last year, Liebherr-Transportation Systems
developed a new type of electro-hydraulic
drive system for rail vehicles for
Bombardier Transportation. In the first
stage, concepts for two versions of this
new actuator type were drawn up. One
version is used for active roll compensation
on the new InterCity double-decker
coaches of Swiss Federal Railways
(SBB). The other version is used for active
yaw compensation on Bombardier’s new
V300 ZEFIRO Italia high-speed train.
The new actuator type is part of a new
platform strategy, for which Liebherr is
developing customer-specific actuators
for as broad a range of applications as
possible. These include elements for
active rotational damping, active later-
al suspension, lateral compensation, tilt
technology and level control.
The new generation of actuators differs
from the electro-hydraulic actuators de-
veloped by Liebherr in the past in that
the electronics are now integrated into
the device. They now assume the task
of regulating and monitoring the individ-
ual actuator. The computer in the vehi-
cle is merely responsible for coordinating
the individual actuators among each oth-
er. Communications with this computer
are conducted using a robust CAN bus
signal, allowing the number of electrical
connections needed in the overall system
to be substantially reduced. Another ad-
vantage of bus communications is that
the parameters specific to the vehicle
or the actuator can be made available
through the bus system. Therefore an ac-
tuator can, for example, be used in dif-
ferent vehicles without any modifications
to its software. Equally, it is possible to
change the mechanical or hydraulic para-
meters of the actuator without software
Another feature of Liebherr's new actu-
ator type is the complete integration into
the bogie frame. The actuator is simp ly slid
sideways into the opening provided in
the frame. This guarantees optimal ac-
cessibility to the actuator when it is in-
stalled, and allows the complete elec-
tronics or individual hydraulic valves to
be exchanged within a very short space
of time without removal of the device.
Direct thermal contact means that the
bogie frame can also act as a cooler for
the actuator.
Not only in its installation attention was
paid to optimal service friendliness, but
also in its design. For example, all com-
ponents which could potentially fail can
be quickly and simply replaced. The num-
ber of parts subject to wear has been re-
duced to small assembly modules, and
a paint finish has been deliberately omit-
ted, keeping the follow-on costs incurred
during an overhaul to a minimum.
With the new generation of compact,
reliable and service-friendly actuators,
Liebherr-Transportation Systems has
developed a highly versatile basis for a
wide range of future applications. Funda-
mentally, these are configured as highly
dynamic, power-regulated components.
Versions with travel control circuit are,
however, also possible. The design was
configured to allow additional expansion
stages to be realized. That permits the
actuator to be expanded by a second
controlling element, for example, retain-
ing use of many individual components.
One actuator controlling element can
thus tilt the coach frame while the sec-
ond radially adjusts the axis to the spe-
cific radius of the bend.
The new Bombardier
V300 ZEFIRO high-speed train
© Bombardier Transportation
Transportation Systems