Voicemail, Listening to a voicemail – BenQ M555C User Manual
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You can call the voice mailbox provided by your operator and listen to the
voicemail left by a caller.
Your network operator provides your voicemail box number as
well as the numbers for accessing other voicemail services they
have. Please check with your operator for details of their
voicemail services and see if you need to set up your voicemail
box by saving particular numbers to your phone.
To set up your voicemail box, go to Voicemail settings. See
details on page 87.
Listening to a voicemail
When your voicemail box receives a voicemail, your operator gives you a
call or sends you an SMS alert to remind you of the waiting voicemail. If
the text of the SMS alert sent by your operator matches the text of the SMS
alert previously stored in your phone--this is called
Alert Match
phone will recognize this SMS alert as a reminder of a new voicemail and a
prompt screen showing “New voicemail” will pop up.
To listen to the voicemail simply press
) and your phone
will automatically dial your voicemail box number for you. Press
) to return to the previous screen if you don’t want to call the
voicemail box, then the voicemail icon (
) will appear on the screen.
To set up the Alert Match feature, you must save your operator’s
SMS alert in advance. Please do so in Voicemail settings --> Alert
match. See page 88.
The rationale of the Alert Match feature is that, once you’ve got an SMS
alert from your operator saying that you have a waiting voicemail, you can
(SELECT) directly to listen to the voicemail, instead of having
to return to the idle screen to dial your voicemail box number digit by digit.