Bay Technical Associates 529H User Manual
Page 58

Telplex Model TX104M is an asynchronous statistical multiplexer with
built-in modem. Four individual communications channels are
multiplexed into a single dial-up or leased telephone line, cutting
phone line costs to a minimum. The TX104M features a V.22 bis
internal modem which provides reliable communication at speeds up
to 4800 bps. With V.42 bis protocol, the TX104M provides error
correction and Classes 2-4 data compression. Compatible with most
computers, printers, or peripherals, the TX104M ensures rapid
throughput, and offers a variety of user-programmable features in
order to meet your specific application requirements.
The BX2448 is a V.22 bis external modem which uses deal-up or
leased telephone lines and comes equipped with many advantageous
features, such as MNP Class 5 data compression, which enables data
transmission at speeds to 4800 bps and, MNP Classes 2 - 4 error
correction. A wide selection of user-programmable features allows
you to customize the modem to your own individual application
Included in the 500 Series line of multiport controllers are units
intended for the following applications:
Port Expansion (A-Series): Allows a single serial port on a
computer to individually access up to 17 peripheral devices with full
duplex communication.
Single Port Contention (DQ-Series): Allows up to 17 terminals to
contend for a single port on a computer system.
Multiple Port Contention (B-Series): Allows either 6, 8 or 12
terminals to contend for either 3, 4 or 6 computer ports respectively.
Networking (F-Series): Networks either 5 or 9 ports together, i.e.,
allows any port to connect to any other port on the multiport controller.
These also have host port control which allows a host computer
system to make and/or break any connection between two ports on
the multiport controller.