Bay Technical Associates 529H User Manual
Page 45

CAUSE: Port configuration.
SOLUTION: Match the baud rate, word size, stop bits,
parity and handshaking between the host device
and the host port.
CAUSE: Port connection.
SOLUTION: Be sure host device is connected to host
port of the H-Series multiport (the highest
numbered port).
CAUSE: Software.
SOLUTION: Use dumb terminal or a computer running
a terminal emulation program: TERM supplied by
BayTech or another communication program.
CAUSE: Bad serial port on host computer.
SOLUTION: Try a different serial port or host device.
CAUSE: Incorrect cable type or XON/XOFF setting.
SOLUTION: Check hardware handshaking lines in the
cable. The H-Series multiport comes standard
with DCE serial ports. The output handshake line
is CTS (Clear To Send) and the input handshake
line is DTR (Data Terminal Ready). CTS (Pin 5)
should be connected to the host/peripheral
device's input flow control line and DTR (Pin 20)
should be connected to the host/peripheral
device's output flow control line.
If using XON/XOFF handshaking, verify that both
Tx and Rx are connected in the cable. Also verify
that XON/XOFF handshaking is enabled on the
H-Series multiport.