Installation instructions, Warning, Ii. installation instructions – Burnham HF SERIES User Manual

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II. Installation Instructions


Design a piping system and install boiler which will
prevent oxygen contamination of boiler water and
frequent water additions.

1. There are many possible causes of oxygen contami-

nation such as:

a. Addition of excessive make-up water as a result

of system leaks.

b. Absorption through open tanks and fittings.

c. Oxygen permeable materials in the distribution


2. In order to insure long product life, oxygen sources

should be eliminated. This can be accomplished by
taking the following measures:

a. Repairing system leaks to eliminate the need for

addition of make-up water.

b. Eliminating open tanks from the system.

c. Eliminating and/or repairing fittings which

allow oxygen absorption.

d. Use of non-permeable materials in the distribu-

tion system.

e. Isolating the boiler from the system water by

installing a heat exchanger.

clearance from hot water piping to combustible

a. If this boiler is used in connection with refrig-

eration systems, the boiler must be installed so
that the chilled medium is piped in parallel with
the heating boiler using appropriate valves to
prevent the chilled medium from entering the
boiler. See Figure 3. Also, consult I=B=R
Installation and Piping Guides.

b. If this boiler is connected to heating coils

located in air handling units where they may be
exposed to refrigerated air, the boiler piping
must be equipped with flow control valves to
prevent gravity circulation of boiler water
during the operation of the cooling system.

c. If boiler is used with an Alliance™ Indirect-

Fired Domestic Water Heater, install the
Alliance as a separate heating zone. Refer to
the Alliance Installation, Operating, and Service
Instructions for additional information.

d. Use a system bypass if the boiler is to be

operated in a system which has a large volume
or excessive radiation where low boiler water
temperatures may be encountered (i.e. converted
gravity circulation system, etc.) The bypass
should be the same size as the supply and
return lines with valves located in the bypass
and return line as illustrated in Figure 4 in order
to regulate water flow for maintenance of higher
boiler water temperature. Set the bypass and
return valves to a half throttle position to start.
Operate boiler until the system water tempera-
ture reaches its normal operating range. Adjust
the valves to maintain 180°F to 200°F boiler
water temperature and greater the 120°F return
temperature. Adjust both valves simultaneously.
Closing the boiler return valve while opening
the bypass valve will raise the boiler return
temperature. Opening the boiler return valve
while closing the by-pass valve will lower the
boiler return temperature.

e. A water boiler installed above radiation level

must be provided with a low water cutoff device
as part of the installation.


System supply and return piping must

be connected to correct boiler pipe.

Burnham re commends s izing the

s ystem circulator to s upply sufficient

flow (GPM) to allow a 20 °F temperature

differential in the s ystem. When s izing

the system circulator, the pressure

drop of all radiators, baseboard and

radiant tubing and a ll connecting

piping must be considered.

3. Connect System supply and return piping to boiler.

See Figures 8 and 9. Also, consult I=B=R Installa-
tion and Piping Guides. Maintain minimum ½ inch


Failure to prope rly pipe boiler ma y res ult i n imprope r operati on and d amage to boiler or

structu re .

Oxygen contamination of boiler wa te r w ill cause c orrosion of iron and steel boiler

c omponents, a nd c an lead to boiler failure. Burnham's Standa rd Warranty does not cover

proble ms caused by oxygen contamination of boiler wa te r or scale (lime) build-up caused

by frequent addition of w ater.