Burnham HF SERIES User Manual

Page 20

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delicate and should protected from dirt and
abuse. Nozzles are mass produced and can vary
from sample to sample. For all of those reasons
a spare nozzle is a desirable item for a service-
man to carry.

b. FLAME SHAPE — Looking into the combus-

tion chamber through the flame plug hole, the
flame should appear straight with no sparklers
rolling up toward the top of the chamber. If the
flame drags to the right or left, sends sparklers
upward or makes wet spots on the combustion
chamber, the nozzle should be replaced. If the
condition persists look for fuel leaks, air leaks,
water or dirt in the fuel as described below.

Figure 14: Electrode / Head Setting

c. FUEL LEAKS— Any fuel leak between the pump

and the nozzle will be detrimental to good
combustion results. Look for wet surfaces in the
air tube, under the ignitor, and around the air
inlet. Any such leaks should be repaired as they
may cause erratic burning of the fuel and in the
extreme case may become a fire hazard.

d. AIR LEAKS— Any such leaks should be

repaired, as they may cause erratic burning of
the fuel and in extreme cases may become a fire

There may be many possible causes of leaks in
oil lines such as:

See Manila folder in file titled “HF”