Messaging – Nokia 6682 User Manual

Page 63

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Mailbox in use

—Select which mailbox you want to use

for sending e-mail.


—Opens a list of mailboxes that have been

defined. If no mailboxes have been defined, you are prompted
to define one. Select a mailbox to change the settings:

Mailbox settings


Mailbox name

—Enter a descriptive name for the mailbox.

Access point in use


Must be defined

)—Choose an

Internet access point (IAP) for the mailbox. See "Connection
settings," p. 88.

My e-mail address


Must be defined

)—Enter the e-mail

address given to you by your service provider. Replies to
your messages are sent to this address.

Outgoing mail server


Must be defined

)—Enter the IP

address or host name of the mail server that sends your
e-mail. You may only be able to use the outgoing server
of your network operator. Contact your service provider
for more information.

Send message

—Define how e-mail is sent from your

phone. Select


for the device to connect to

the mailbox when you select

Send message

. Select

During next conn.

—E-mail is sent when the connection

to the remote mailbox is available.

User name

—Enter your user name, given to you by your

service provider.


—Enter your password. If you leave this field

blank, you are prompted for the password when you try to
connect to your remote mailbox.

Incoming mail server


Must be defined

)—Enter the IP

address or host name of the mail server that receives
your e-mail.

Mailbox type:

—Defines the e-mail protocol that your

remote mailbox service provider recommends. The options




. This setting can be selected only once

and cannot be changed if you have saved or exited from the
mailbox settings. If you are using the POP3 protocol, e-mail
messages are not updated automatically in online mode. To
see the latest e-mail messages, you must disconnect and
make a new connection to your mailbox.

Security (ports)

—Used with the POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP

protocols to secure the connection to the remote mailbox.

APOP secure login

(not shown if IMAP4 is selected for

Mailbox type

)—Used with the POP3 protocol to encrypt

the sending of passwords to the remote e-mail server while
connecting to the mailbox.

User settings


E-mails to retrieve

(not shown if the e-mail protocol is

set to POP3)—Define how many new e-mails are
retrieved to mailbox.