Billion Electric Company 400G User Manual

Page 59

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Billion 400G Router

Chapter 4: Configuration


Max TCP Open Handshaking Count: This is a threshold value to decide whether a SYN Flood attempt is occurring
or not. Default value is 100 TCP SYN per seconds.

Max PING Count: This is a threshold value to decide whether an ICMP Echo Storm is occurring or not. Default
value is 15 ICMP Echo Requests (PING) per second.

Max ICMP Count: This is a threshold to decide whether an ICMP flood is occurring or not. Default value is 100
ICMP packets per seconds except ICMP Echo Requests (PING).

For SYN Flood, ICMP Echo Storm and ICMP flood, IDS will just warn the user in the Event Log. It cannot protect
against such attacks.