Billion 400g router – Billion Electric Company 400G User Manual

Page 31

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Billion 400G Router

Chapter 4: Configuration


ESSID Broadcast: ESSID Broadcast is the function that controls the Routes transmission of its ESSID. This
transmission enables wireless clients to detect the presence of the AP when they search for AP’s to connect to.
The default setting is Enabled.

Disable: If you do not want broadcast your ESSID. Any client uses “any” wireless setting cannot discover

the Access Point (AP) of your router.

Enable: Any client using the “any” setting can discover the Access Point (AP).

Regulation Domain: There are seven Regulation Domains for you to choose from, including North America
(N.America), Europe, France, etc. The Channel ID will be different based on this setting.

Channel ID: Select the wireless connection ID channel that you would like to use. Use the Scan Channel Usage to
help to select non-occupied wireless channel.

Scan Channel Usage: Wireless channel scan takes up to 14 seconds to survey the wireless channels

in the surrounding area. The result will show which of the wireless channels are already being used, and
which are available for use.

Note: Wireless performance may degrade if select ID channel is already being occupied by other AP(s).

TX PowerLevel: This function enhances the wireless transmitting signal strength. Users may adjust this
power level from minimum 0 up to maximum 255.

Note: Maximum power Level is not necessarily the best choice in all cases. Choose the most suitable level for
your network and environment.

Connected: Representing in true or false. That it is the connection status between the system and the build-in
wireless card.

AP MAC Address: It is a unique hardware address of the Access Point.

AP Firmware Version: The Access Point firmware version.

Wireless Distribution System (WDS)

This is a wireless access point mode that enables wireless linking and communication with other access points. It
is easy to install - simply define the peer AP’s MAC address.The WDS system gives a cost saving and flexible
method of extending wireless range, since no extra wireless client device is required to bridge between two
access points. Using WDS, the user can extend an existing wired or wireless infrastructure network to create a
larger network.

In addition, WDS enhances its link connection security in WEP mode, WEP key encryption must be the same for
both access points.

WDS Service: The default setting is Disabled. Check Enable radio button to activate this function.

Peer WDS MAC Address: this is the associated AP’s MAC Address. It is important that your peer’s AP must
include your MAC address in order to allow the AP’s to acknowledge and communicate with each other.

Note: For MAC Address, Semicolon ( : ) must be included.