American Power Conversion MX28B200 User Manual
Page 40

Page 34 MX28B200/400 –48 VDC User’s Manual (990-9133)
PIN Entry
Security Level {0}
Screen for entry of the active password
(PIN). Before any changes can be
made, the correct pin for the desires
security level must be entered. Level 0 –
full read access. Level 1 –full read and
limited write access. Level 2 – full read
and write access.
PIN m+
Rectifier Communications Fail
Security Level {1}
The maximum rectifier communications
response time allowed before a
communications failure is declared.
RectFailComm m+
1 min
Rectifier Configuration Alarm
Security Level {1}
The output relay energized if the rectifier
configuration differs from its stored
configuration. This occurs if a rectifier is
added after configuration.
Rect Cfg Alm m+
Rectifier Current Limit Alarm
Security Level {1}
The output relay that is energized or
special rectifier alarm group n of N that
occurs when a rectifier has been forced
into the current limited mode.
Rect CL Alm m+
n of N
Rectifier Current Limit Alarm
{Status Only}
The status will be “ON” if the rectifier has
been forced into its current limited mode.
NOTE: This information can be
viewed for each rectifier installed by
using the horizontal arrow keys.
Rect 1 CL #
Rectifier Current Output Status
{Status Only}
A display of the DC output current for the
individual rectifier. NOTE: This
information can be viewed for each
rectifier installed by using the
horizontal arrow keys.
Rect 1 Curr #
24.9 A
Rectifier Description
{Status Only}
Displays the model number of the
installed rectifier. NOTE: This
information can be viewed for each
rectifier installed by using the
horizontal arrow keys.
Rect 1 Desc #
Rectifier Fail 1-of-N Alarm
Security Level {1}
The output relay energized if Rectifier
Fail 1-of-N alarm occurs. This is a
special rectifier alarm group that signifies
that one rectifier has at least one alarm
Rect 1ofN Almm+
Rectifier Fail 2-of-N Alarm
Security Level {1}
The output relay energized if Rectifier
Fail 2-of-N alarm occurs This is a special
rectifier alarm group that signifies that
more than one rectifier has at least one
alarm condition.
Rect 2ofN Almm+
Rectifier Fail Safe Voltage
Security Level {1}
Rectifier default output voltage if
communication with the control unit fails.
Rect Fail Safem+
-54.00 V
Rectifier Fan Fail Alarm
Security Level {1}
The output relay that is energized or
special rectifier alarm group n of N that
occurs when a rectifier fan has failed.
Rect FF Alm m+
n of N