5 additional copy operations – Konica Minolta bizhub 750 User Manual
Page 10
bizhub 750/600
4.3 Specifying the transmission settings
(Scan Setting) .........................................4-16
Original Image Type .............................. 4-16
To select an Original Image Type
setting ................................................... 4-17
Density .................................................. 4-19
Simplex/Duplex ..................................... 4-21
To select the Simplex/Duplex setting ... 4-21
Resolution ............................................. 4-23
To select a Resolution setting ............... 4-23
Scan Size .............................................. 4-25
5.1 When a login screen appears .................5-2
When the screen to enter the user name
appears ................................................... 5-2
When the screen to enter the account
name or password appears .................... 5-6
5.2 Checking the settings (Mode Check) ...5-10
To check the settings ............................ 5-10
5.3 Printing a sample to check the settings
(Proof Copy) ............................................5-14