Lenovo ThinkServer TD200 User Manual
Page 48

Contact Person
Use this field to indicate the name of a contact person who is
responsible for the IMM. This field can contain a maximum of 60
Email Address
Use this field to indicate the e-mail address of a contact person
who is responsible for the IMM. This field can contain a maximum
of 60 characters.
Optional certificate data
The following user-input fields are optional for generating a self-signed
certificate or a certificate-signing request:
Organizational Unit
Use this field to indicate the unit within the company or
organization that owns the IMM. This field can contain a
maximum of 60 characters.
Use this field for additional information, such as the surname of a
person who is responsible for the IMM. This field can contain a
maximum of 60 characters
Given Name
Use this field for additional information, such as the given name of
a person who is responsible for the IMM. This field can contain a
maximum of 60 characters.
Use this field for additional information, such as the initials of a
person who is responsible for the IMM. This field can contain a
maximum of 20 characters.
DN Qualifier
Use this field for additional information, such as a distinguished
name qualifier for the IMM. This field can contain a maximum of
60 characters.
Certificate-Signing request attributes
The following fields are optional unless they are required by your selected
certificate authority:
Challenge Password
Use this field to assign a password to the certificate-signing
request. This field can contain a maximum of 30 characters.
Unstructured Name
Use this field for additional information, such as an unstructured
name that is assigned to the IMM. This field can contain a
maximum of 60 characters.
After you complete the information, click Generate CSR. The new encryption
keys and certificate are generated. This process might take several minutes.
Click Download CSR and then click Save to save the file to your workstation.
The file that is produced when you create a certificate-signing request is in
DER format. If your certificate authority expects the data in some other
format, such as PEM, you can convert the file by using a tool such as
OpenSSL (http://www.openssl.org). If the certificate authority asks you to
copy the contents of the certificate-signing request file into a Web browser
window, PEM format is usually expected.
The command for converting a certificate-signing request from DER to PEM
format using OpenSSL is similar to the following example:
Integrated Management Module: User Guide