Lenovo ThinkServer TD200 User Manual
Page 116

Integrated Management Module event
international keyboard support in remote
IP address, default static 10
remote server management 75
user IDs 20
IPMI event log 52
IPMItool 68, 75
keyboard pass-through mode in remote
keyboard support in remote control 61
LAN over USB
conflicts 71
description 71
Linux driver 73
manual configuration of 71
settings 71
Windows driver 72
Windows IPMI device driver 71
LAN over USB Linux driver 73
LAN over USB Windows driver 72
configuring authentication order 23
configuring client authentication 36
configuring search attributes 36
description 33
secure 39
setting up client 33
Lenovo ThinkServer servers Firmware
Setup Utility 54, 67
updating firmware 67
VPD 56
Light Path
loader watchdog (server timeout) 17
logging in to the IMM 10
logging off Web interface 48
login profiles
creating 20
custom authority levels 21
deleting 23
setting access rights 21
user ID limitations 20
login settings, global (Web interface) 23
logs, types of
chassis-event log 53
DSA log 53
IMM event log 53
system-event log 52
machine-level VPD 55
mapping drives 65, 66
modifying IMM configuration 46
monitor commands 78
mouse control
absolute 63
relative 63
relative with default Linux
mouse support in remote control 62
default static IP address 10
IP address, default static 10
static IP address, default 10
network interfaces
configuring Ethernet connection 28
network protocols
configuring DNS 32
configuring LDAP 33
configuring SMTP 33
configuring SNMP 31
configuring SSL 39
description 31
Network Time Protocol (NTP) 18
notes, important 100
electronic emission 105
FCC, Class A 105
online publications
operating system (OS) watchdog (server
operating-system requirements 7
operating-system screen capture 4, 60
port assignments, configuring 28
port numbers, reserved 28
power and restart for server
profiles, login
creating 20
deleting 23
setting access rights 21
DNS 32
SSL 39
Telnet 33
PXE Boot Agent 11
PXE network boot 66
real-time clock, synchronizing with NTP
relative mouse control 63
relative mouse control for Linux (default
remote alerts
configuring recipients 24
configuring settings 24
setting attempts 26
critical 25
system 25
warning 25
remote boot 64
remote control
absolute mouse control 63
description 59
exiting 66
functions 58
international keyboard support 61
Java applet 59
keyboard pass-through mode 62
keyboard support 61
mouse support 62
performance statistics 64
power and restart commands 64
relative mouse control 63
relative mouse control for Linux
(default Linux acceleration) 63
screen capture 60
single cursor mode 63
Video Viewer 59, 60, 61
Virtual Media Session 59, 64
remote control mouse support 62
remote control of server power 57
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP),
remote disk 3, 64, 65, 66
remote power control 64
remote presence
remote servers, monitoring
fan speed 51
temperature thresholds 49
voltage thresholds 50
Remote Supervisor Adapter II 1, 3
operating system 7
Web browser 7
reset IMM 67
restarting IMM 47
restoring IMM configuration 46
restoring IMM defaults 47
Secure Shell server
enabling 45
generating private key 45
using 45
Secure Shell server (SSH) 44
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 39
secure Web server and secure LDAP
Integrated Management Module: User Guide