Index, Index a – Lenovo ThinkServer TD200 User Manual

Page 115

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absolute mouse control 63
Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) 1, 4,

68, 71

alerts 24

configuring recipients 24
global settings 25
selecting to send

critical 25
system 25
warning 25

setting remote attempts 25, 26
SNMP settings 26

ASM event log 53
assertion event, system-event log 52, 53
assistance, getting 95
authentication method for user at

login 23

authority levels, setting in login

profile 21


backing up IMM configuration 46
baseboard management controller

(BMC) 1, 3

BIOS (basic input/output system) 1
blue screen capture

See operating-system screen capture

browser requirements 7


certificate signing request, generating 40
chassis-event log 53
Class A electronic emission notice 105
clock, synchronizing in a network 18
command-line interface (CLI)

accessing 75
command syntax 76
description 75
features and limitations 76
IPMI Shell 75
logging in 75

commands, types of

configuration 82
IMM control 91
monitor 78
serial redirect 81
server power and restart 81
utility 77

component activity log vital product

data, viewing 56

component-level VPD 56
configuration commands 82
configuration file 45
configuration summary, viewing 13

DNS 32
Ethernet connection 28

configuring (continued)

global login settings 23
global remote alert settings 25
LDAP 33, 36
network interfaces 28
network protocols 31
port assignments 28
remote alerts 24
security 38
serial ports 26
serial-to-SSH redirection 27
serial-to-Telnet redirection 27
SNMP 26, 31
SSH 44
Telnet 33

creating login profiles 20
critical alerts 25
custom authority levels in login

profile 21


date and time, verifying 17
daylight saving time, adjusting for 18
deassertion event, system-event log 52,


default static IP address 10
defaults, restoring configuration 47
disabling USB in-band interface 19
disk, remote 3, 64
DNS, configuring 32
DSA log 53
Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 56


Easy LED Diagnostics 11, 52
electronic emission Class A notice 105
encryption keys, generating 40
Ethernet connection, configuring 28
event log

remote access 17

event logs

description 52
severity levels 53
viewing from the Setup Utility 54
viewing from the Web interface 53


factory defaults, restoring 47
fan speed monitoring 51
FCC Class A notice 105
features of IMM 2
firmware, updating 67


getting help 95
global login settings (Web interface) 23
global remote alert attempts, setting 25
gloss statement (Germany) 105
GMT offset in time setting 17


help, getting 95
host server startup sequence,

changing 11



action descriptions 11
alerts 24
comparison to BMC with RSA 3
configuration 45
configuring 15
defaults 47
description 1
Easy LED Diagnostics 52
event logs 52
features 2
functions 3
IMM Premium 3
IMM Premium, upgrading to 3
IMM Standard 2
IMM Standard, upgrading from 3
LAN over USB 71
logging off 48
login profiles 20
managing tools and utilities 68
monitoring 49
network connection 9
network interfaces 28
network protocols 31
new functions 1
port assignments 28
remote control 59
remote presence 58
restarting 47
serial redirection 27
system information 15
tasks 57
updating firmware 67
user IDs 20
Web interface 9

IMM configuration

backing up 46
modifying and restoring 46

IMM control commands 91
IMM defaults, restoring 47
IMM event log 53

viewing 53

IMM Premium, upgrading to 3
IMM Standard, upgrading from 3

© Lenovo 2009. Portions © IBM Corp. 2009.


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