MSI Keeper 945GM V1.0 User Manual

Page 32

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Hardware Setup

Lan Bypass function is controlled by GPIO 38 and 39.

For relay 1(LAN1 & LAN2), it

¦s defined by GPIO38, pull high to enable and pull

down to disable.

For relay 2(LAN3 & LAN4), it

¦s defined by GPIO39, pull high to enable and pull

down to disable.

Sample code:

mov si, offset MENUITEMGROUP:Lan_ByPass_Item

call X_GetItem_Value ;get BIOS item (LAN Bypass) value

or al,al ;base on this item value to

enable or disable this function

jz @f ;1 is enable, 0 is disable

mov dx,GPIO_Port + 38h

in al,dx


and al,not 11000000b

or al,11000000b ;GPIO 38, 39 pull high to enable

out dx,al

jmp short Exit_Lan_ByPass


mov dx,GPIO_Port + 38h

in al,dx


and al,not 11000000b ;GPIO 38, 39 pull down to disable

out dx,al
