M&G DuraVent DuraStack® User Manual
Page 30

Table 15
Maximum Run with Adjustable Length
Between Two Fixed Points
Operating Temp. (°F)
Max Distance With One
Adjustable Length (ft.)
1. The adjustable length (LA) is used for two
functions, one is to make odd lengths and the
other to serve as an expansion joint.
2. The adjustable length may be used when
internal pressure do not exceed 6” water
column or in well ventilated areas. See Figure
65 for good positioning of the adjustable length.
3. The adjustable length assembly includes
a sliding inner section, two containing rings,
one compression band, a graphite packing
gasket, an insulation band (DIS only) and
a telescopic outer casing. There is a tool
supplied with this assembly. (see Figure 66).
4. For proper installation, the adjustable
length must have adequate overlap and
sufficient allowance for thermal expansion.
(see Figure 55 - Adjustable length (LA), and
Table 15).
5. Installation steps (see Figure 56):
a. Adjust the length of the chimney as
required. If outer casing or inner flue are too
long, they may be cut to length. You must
keep the overlap of the outer casing to at
least 1”. You are only authorised to cut on the
outer casing section attached to the female
coupling. See Figure 51.
b. Move up the sliding section of the outer
wall to access inner wall. See Figure 52.
c. Tighten the compression band so that the
graphite packing is firmly registered against
the inner flue. See Figure 53.
d. Tighten all the bolts of the containing ring.
For each bolt, use the supplied tool as a guide
between the two containing rings (see
Figure 54).
e. Fill the gap between the inner flue and
outer casing with the supplied insulation
band. See Figure 55 (DIS only).
f. Move down the sliding section of the outer
wall to the flange of the female coupling
and install the locking band as described
in Section A: Chimney and Fitting Joint
Assembly. See Figure 56.
Bellows Expansion Joint and adjustable
Length in Horizontal runs
1. Same guidelines apply as for vertical run
with respect to expansion estimate and
proper support and guiding with the use
of Bellows Expansion Joint and Adjustable
BELLoWS EXpanSIon JoInt (LB)
1. Used in diesel or turbine exhaust installation
for expansion and vibration movements.
2. Good for exhaust pressure up to 60 inches
of water column, it will compensate for up
to 3” max of expansion. See Table 14 for
maximum run with one bellow.
3. Bellow joints comes with a liner to protect
the bellow and to have a smooth flow.
4. We suggest to always install a 12” length
chimney downstream and upstream the
bellow to insure clearance for the liner and
adding accessibility for supporting and
guiding. See Figure 50 ‘’bellowjoint’’ for good
positioning of the bellow expansion joint.
5. It is of the most important that the bellow
joint be properly supported and guided in
vertical and horizontal orientation.
6. Installation is done the same way as
described in Section A: Chimney and
Fitting Joint Assembly.