M&G DuraVent DuraStack® User Manual
Page 26

Installation of model DIS / DAS
chimney can be completed without any
terminations if not necessary.
Figure 44
3. Add a bead of sealant about 1/8” on the
flange of the retaining band and one on the
flange of the adaptor (SWA) and mate those
two flanges together. Be sure to fill all the
gaps with S-2000 sealant. (See Figure
38a and Figure 39a).
4. Tighten the Locking Band to hold and
seal the adaptor in place. See Figure 40a for
typical installation.
Female anSI Flange adaptor (FFa)
1. The Female Flange Adaptor (FFA) is
intended for use as a connection to a class
125 or 150 ANSI pipe flange.
2. This type of connection requires a flange
gasket and bolt set provided by the installer.
The gasket and bolts are typically sold by
pipe, valve and fittings houses as ‘NBG’ set.
Figure 41 illustrates a typical installation.
3. An outer band with insulation is included
to close the installation.
Female Flanged adaptor (FFHa)
1. The Flanged Adaptor (FFHA) is used
to connect the DIS chimney to flanged
appliance outlets other than those with ANSI
pipe flanges.
2. The adaptor is designed to sandwich an
1/2 inch flange between two half ring and
the appliance flanged outlet. The Flange
Adaptor comes with beam clamps to clamp
the FFHA to the appliance. See Figure 42.
3. Do not use with turbine or engine exhaust.
4. Installation is done the same manner as a
standard length except for model 3. For this
model, there are 3 additional steel straps to
be screwed to the chimney outer casing to
ensure resistance to high wind.
Finishing Cone (FC)
1. Used to create a better draft when installed
at the top of the chimney, see Figure 45.
2. Requires a drain at the bottom of the stack
to collect rain entering the chimney.
3. Installation is done as a standard length.
Flip top (Ft) (DIS only)
1. Used in diesel or turbine exhaust, it
prevents moisture and debris from entering
the system. See Figure 46.
2. Flip top opens with internal pressure and
closes when no pressure.
3. Install as a standard length.
miter Cut (mC)
1. Used in diesel or turbine exhaust as an
horizontal termination. See Figure 47.
2. Installation is done as a standard length.
DraIn LEngtH
Drain Length (DL)
1. Used to drain rain or condensate from
the chimney.
2. The chimney flue is equipped with an
rain Cap (rC)
1. Installed at the top of the chimney, it
provides the greatest degree of rain protection.
2. Three models of rain cap are available
dependently of the diameter, see Figure 44.
Bird Screen
5" - 10" Ш
12" - 18" Ш
20" - 36" Ш