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IMC17 will accept commands, but the Motor will stall in the middle of a
This means there is not enough current being supplied to the Motor. Use the m
command to change the current, or run the Motor at a Lower Speed (V command).
Or, make the motor accelerate slower using the L command.
Halt Command (H01) Issues
There are known issues involving the Halt command (i.e., H01) when stored in
memory location zero. Upon power up, the remaining command string after the Halt
command might be executed if the user types in a new command. If memory
location zero is not being used, the user is advised to always clear everything in
memory by typing /1?9. Otherwise, the user may terminate the remaining
command string in the buffer by issuing a /1T.
I want to use one of the I/Os to turn on a LED to confirm that the motor has
finished moving or moved to a certain position. How do I do it?
To turn on a LED to confirm that the motor finished moving you must use the “J”
command in the command list section On/Off Drivers. We are assuming the unit
executes the command sent. We cannot detect skipping because the set up is open
loop. Example: /1P200J10R, is a position move 200 steps, then turn on driver 2.
What’s the minimum and maximum voltage the RS485 to RS 232 Converter
Card can handle?
Min and Max voltage levels: 7 to 40 VDC
Using a PLC to communicate with board
After the command, you need to issue a carriage return and linefeed.
Example: /1A1000R (absolute position move 1000). After the R, send a 0x0d
in hex.
USB Converter card setup
The USB converter card requires you to install the unit as a hardware. Two files
should be downloaded, and they can be found online at
You should be able to view the converter card if you go to Properties of “My
Computer” Hardware Device Manager Ports.
The LED’s on the USB485 converter card only light up during sending and receiving
of a command.
Technical Support for RMS Technologies
By Telephone: 877-301-3609
(Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)
On the Web: www.rmsmotion.com
Our technical support group is glad to work with you in answering your questions. If
you cannot find the solution to your particular application, or, if for any reason you
need additional technical assistance, please call technical support at 877-301-3609.
9. Appendix
RMS Technologies
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IMC17/IMCE17 User Manual
Rev 1.06