Rivera Primo Stiffeytm User Manual
Stiffey, Installation guide

NOTE: Read the instructions carefully before proceeding with the actual installation.
NOTE: To avoid accidental start up of vehicle during the installation, remove both battery
cables & the battery. Securely block motorcycle in an upright position. Different models will
require the removal of exhaust, passenger footboards, etc. Remove whatever is necessary to
accomplish the installation per your OE service manual.
Using your OE manual, accomplish the following items
in figures 1-4.
Remove the saddlebags. (Figure 1)
Loosen the exhaust system so that it can be lowered to
enable access to the swingarm pivot block. (Figure 2)
Support the frame using an acceptable jack beneath
the motorcycle prior to removing the pillow blocks.
(Figure 4)
Remove the passenger floorboards. (Figure 3)
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 1
Figure 4
1 2 4 5 0 W H I T T I E R B L V D . , W H I T T I E R , C A 9 0 6 0 1
W W W . R I V E R A P R I M O I N C . C O M