Pathway # 8603, 8605 User Manual

Dmx manager user guide

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DMXManager User Guide

DMXManager combines, merges and converts two
separate data sources into a single output.
Alternatively, it can be used as an automatic soft
switch between two data sources.

Operational Philosophy



Three LEDs are used to indicate, from left to right,
power supply / processor run status, data A
receive detect, and data B receive detect. In test
mode the receive detect LEDs will flash if the input
signal is not as selected by the I/O mode switches
or if the signal is unrecognizable.

Combines two inputs on a highest takes
precedence basis

Automatically switches from one input to
another upon loss of signal

High performance processor

Output address selection

“Status Quo” feature maintains last output level
when input signal stops

Input/output diagnostic functions

Direct pass-thru connectors

Sturdy all metal construction

Optional 19” rack mount kit




Glowing solidly indicates power
supply and processor OK; off
indicates no power, and flashing
indicates defective processor or
control logic.

Glowing solidly indicates data signal
A received; off indicates no input
signal present.

Glowing solidly indicates data signal
B received; off indicates no input

Address Selection

Three rotary switches select the offset start
address for the unit in most configurations. For
dual AMX output, the address switches select the
starting dimmer number for the second AMX output
line. In merge mode, the switches set the starting
address for the second input data line. In test
mode, the switches set dimmers to full one at a
time. From left to right the switches are set as
hundreds, tens, and ones.