Pathway #889x and #887x Series Repeater User Guide User Manual
Anual, Dmx repeater

8895 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater, 5 pin XLR
8893 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater , 3 pin XLR
8894 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater, 3-3pin & 3-5 pin
8897 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater , terminals
Universal input (90-250V,
50/60Hz), 0.2A
Connections: 5 pin XLR , 3 pin XLR, or terminals
2500V Opto-isolation on DMX lines
4000V Mains isolation
Protection: Up to 250VAC/DC on all
port pins
DMX512 , DMX512-A, or any EIA422
or 485 based simplex protocol
17 x 6 x 1.75” (432 x 152 x 44mm)
Unit Weight: 5.0 lbs. (1.86 kg)
Model Descriptions
Models with Rear Mounted Connectors
Models with Front Mounted Connectors
8875 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater, 5 pin XLR
8873 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater, 3 pin XLR
8874 1 in - 6 out DMX Repeater, 3-3pin & 3-5 pin
DMXRepeaters are designed to work
on voltages from 90-250 volts AC. It
will automatically sense the incoming
voltage and adjust accordingly. The
power inlet is an IEC 60320-C14 type.
Be sure to use the correct, matching,
power cord if your location requires
something other than the 120V U-
ground cord included with the unit.
Subject to change without notice
103 Inglewood Plaza 1439 17Avenue SE Calgary AB, Canada T2G 1J9 • +1 403 243-8110 Fax +1 403 287-1281
Printed in Canada R9
D -
Data present on
D + ON
incoming DMX line
D -
D- signal missing
D + ON
or shorted to common
D -
D+ signal missing
or shorted to common
D -
No data present on incoming
DMX line
cable or device connected to that re-
peater channel. First, ensure that the
repeater is correctly receiving DMX512
data via the input connection, as per the
previous instructions. Once that is veri-
fied, disconnect the cable to the suspect
output channel and depress the corre-
sponding ISO OUT TEST button. If both
the corresponding D- and D+ symbols
illuminate, this shows that the isolated
output circuitry inside the repeater is
working properly and is transmitting both
DMX512 signals. If not, there is likely a
problem with the output circuitry for that
channel. Try using the spare transceiver
chip to remedy the problem. Now recon-
nect the cable to the suspect output and
perform the same test. If both of the D-
and D+ LEDs illuminate, this shows that
there are no shorts in the output cabling
or connected receiving devices. If one or
both of the LEDs is off or dim, a cable or
device problem is indicated. NOTE: if an
output TEST button is pushed when a
proper input signal is not being received
by the DMX Repeater, the outputs will be
in their normal “idle” state (i.e. D- low
level, D+ high level), therefore the D+
symbol will illuminate and the D- symbol
will not.
Cable Test Feature cont.
To ensure trouble free operation,
DMX512 standards require that DMX
devices be installed in a daisy chain, with
no tees, wyes or stars in the DMX wiring.
However, site conditions may make star
wiring desirable or even mandatory. A
Pathway DMX Repeater permits star
wiring by making each branch of the star
function electrically as its own entity,
unaffected by the other branches of the
star. Additionally, opto-isolation circuitry
isolates each branch to prevent ground
loops or accidental damage from fault
voltages on DMX lines.
Operational Philosophy
• All cabling must be in a continuous run,
daisy-chained, no “Tees” are permitted
• “Stars” are permitted only in
conjunction with a repeater
• Cable shield may be earth-grounded at
one end only, preferably at the control
• Maximum length of one cable segment
is 1,800 ft. (550m)
• Receiving devices have male
connectors, transmitters have female
• The last DMX device on the line must
be terminated with a termination switch
or resistor with a value of 100 to 120
between pins 2 and 3
• 5 pin XLR type DMX connectors are
Pin 1:
Pin 2:
Data (-)
Pin 3:
Data (+)
Pin 4:
Optional Data (-)
Pin 5:
Optional Data (+)
• 3 pin XLR type connectors are a non-
standard alternative:
Pin 1:
Pin 2:
Data (-)
Pin 3:
Data (+)
• Cable must be Belden 9842 (120Ω),
9829, 9729 (100
Ω), ISO/IEC 11801
or equivalent
• A maximum of 32 DMX receiving
devices can be present on a single
DMX line
DMX Basics
DMX Repeater
6-way opto-isolated DMX splitter
8870 series
& 8890 series
An essential component of any
DMX512 distribution system, the
DMX Repeater permits star wiring
installations while isolating and
protecting connected equipment
from harmful electrical faults.
Pathway 8870/8890 Series DMX
Repeaters feature self-healing
protection devices on all ports to
prevent internal damage when
severe faults of up to 250V are
accidentally applied to the
connected DMX cabling. And to
help you resolve any cable, signal
or component issues fast, there
are useful test functions built right
into the product!