11 control groups, 11 control groups -21, Sd5 - getting started – DiGiCo SD5 User Manual
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SD5 - Getting Started
1.11 Control Groups
Any number of input channels and output channels can be connected to one or more of the 24 possible Control Groups. They can
then all be operated from a single worksurface control. Changes to the Control Group fader, mute or solo or controls will affect all
channels connected to the group.
There are 2 methods to set up Control Groups:
1) Press the LCD Function button on the CG fader bank followed by the JOIN CG button;
Press the channel select button for the CG that you want to use;
Press the channel select buttons for each of the channels to be included in the CG;
Deselect the JOIN CG button:
Press LCD
Function Button
then JOIN CG
Select Control
Group to join
Press Channel LCD Buttons to assign members
2) Press the on screen JOIN/LEAVE button for the required CG channel;
Press the channel select buttons for each of the channels that you want to make members of the CG;
Release the JOIN/LEAVE button:
List of members
Press Join/Leave button on required CG channel
Press Channel LCD buttons to assign members
A list of all the connected channels and their names is displayed above each Control Group display.
You can also clear all the channels from a Control Group by pressing Clear.
When a channel is a member of a Control Group, its own controls can still be adjusted independently of the other Group members.
Adjustments to fader levels are transmitted to the Group members as dB changes, so that a level increase of 2dB on the Group
fader will increase all the member levels by 2dB, irrespective of the relative levels of the individual channel faders.
CG Mutes are treated as “in series” where a channel is a member of more than one group. All CG mutes must be off for a channel
to be unmuted; any CG muted always mutes all of its members.
If a channel is CG muted by single or multiple CGs, the worksurface channel mute button will override all CG mutes for that
channel. The channel will not however be removed from CG membership so if the relevant CG is muted again, the channel will
also be muted.