Akai synthstation_studio User Manual
Akai Audio accessories

On almost every page of SynthStation Studio, you can find the MENU button in the
upper left-hand corner and the TRANSPORT tab in the upper right-hand corner.
MENU: Opens the Main Menu where you can select any page within the app.
TRANSPORT: Reveals the transport controls (touch anywhere outside the
TRANSPORT tab to hide it again):
BACK: Scans back through the current Song/Sequence.
STOP: Stops playback of the current Song/Sequence. You can "double-tap" the
STOP button to jump to the beginning of the current Sequence.
PLAY: Starts playback of the current Song/Sequence.
FORWARD: Scans forward through the current Song/Sequence.
DRUM / SYNTH 1 / SYNTH 2 / SYNTH 3: Selects that part of the
Song/Sequence for playback/editing.
Note: When the DRUM part is selected, certain features in the app will be
disabled because they do not apply to the drums. These include the Synth Edit
Page controls, the X/Y controls, and inapplicable faders on the Perform Page.
To adjust the position of sliders/faders, touch anywhere along the fader line to make
it "jump" to that point or touch and slide a fader to adjust it.
To adjust the position of knobs, touch the knob and slide up or down. Double-tapping
a knob will either reset it to the center position (if that is its default position) or make it
jump to the maximum level.
MAIN (The Main Menu)
SONG/SEQ (Songs and Sequences)
Playing a Song
Assigning a Drum Kit to the Drum part of a Sequence
Selecting Sounds for your Songs and Sequences
Creating a Sequence
Creating a Song
Naming a Song/Sequence
Recording a song as a WAV and MIDI file
Deleting recorded files
PERFORM (Using the keyboard-style performance editor)
SOUNDS (Selecting Sounds for your Synths)
MIXER (Mixing your levels)
X/Y (Using the X/Y modulation controller)