2 options, 3 input signals – Pulsafeeder Pulsa Series Pulsamatic Controls User Manual
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The PULSAmatic actuator is configured at the factory for a variety of options, both singly and in
various combinations. The appropriate wiring diagrams external to the circuit board are included
with each pump shipment.
Input Signals
Standard signals are:
1-5 mA DC @ 2000 ohm Impedance
4-20 mA DC @ 470 ohm Impedance
10-50 mA DC @ 180 ohm Impedance
0-10 V DC @ Greater than 270,000 ohm Impedance
Slide wire (Remote, 1000-ohm manual control potentiometer, user-supplied).
Direct Acting- minimum and maximum input signal levels correspond directly to minimum and
maximum stroke settings respectively. For example, a 4-20 mA signal ranges stroke from zero at
4mA to full at 20 mA. This is the standard mode of action.
Reverse Acting- Signal response is inverted relative to direct acting. For example, a 4-20 mA
signal ranges stroke from full at 4 mA to zero at 20 mA. This is an optional mode of action.