Planning your emerge system options – Apex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Access User Manual

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Emerge Card Remote Access User Guide




Planning Your Emerge System Options

Before you setup your new Emerge system, take a few minutes to plan your layout. A quick review of

your options will facilitate a quick, trouble-free installation.

System connection options

You may connect your Emerge system to a single critical server or integrate it with other Apex

console switches. The following list illustrates the types of connections you might be considering:

Connect directly to a critical server

Connect to a single or multi-user OutLook switch

Connect to a Viewpoint user pod

Connect to a Viewpoint user pod and system pod

Connect to a Viewpoint user pod and core

System location options

The Emerge system can be used in desktop or rack-mounted systems.

Remote access options

Users connect to the Emerge system using either a direct network connection or a high-speed (64

Kbps or higher) modem connection. All video, keyboard, and mouse signals originate with the remote

computer through an established connection (phone line, ISDN, LAN, or serial) to the Emerge. The

Emerge then passes the signals to the Apex switch, which transmits the signals to the target system.

Tiering options

The Emerge is a remote access device. Unlike the OutLook switch, it cannot be tiered to itself. It can

connect to a primary or secondary OutLook switch in a multi-switch or tiered configuration.


When deciding on the layout for your Emerge system, planning the environment is critical. Operating outside of acceptable
temperature or humidity ranges can result in diminished system operation or damage to your system.

Cable lengths

A target system is connected to the Emerge by means of keyboard, mouse, and high-quality video

cables. Use a high-quality video cable to obtain the best possible video image. Using lower quality

cables may result in poor video quality.

12 ft

Maximum cable length for video, keyboard, mouse cable from Emerge to the target system.


Cable length affects video quality as well as keyboard and mouse data timing. The maximum cable length is determined in part by
the computer and peripherals used. Not all systems will give satisfactory results at the maximum length.

Hotplug cable sequence

When hotplugging cables, always plug in the keyboard last or your mouse may not initialize properly.