Sony DCR-TRV70 User Manual
Page 158

hardware sales, are subject to charges and specific terms and conditions, which are
explained in connection with such content and services. The Service and certain
other content, product, services or information on the Site are presently available
free of charge, exclusive of Internet or other telecommunications fees. ImageStation
may, at its discretion, elect to modify, delete, reduce, augment, or discontinue the
Service or any product, service, feature, functionality on the Site, or institute a fee.
ImageStation shall not be liable to you or any third party for any such change.
6. License Grant and Intellectual Property Rights
In consideration for the Service, and the potential benefits related thereto, you grant
ImageStation, its successors, licensees and assigns, a non-exclusive, worldwide,
perpetual, royalty free license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, publish,
publicly perform, and publicly display your Member Content, by all means now
known, or later created, including but not limited to display on the Internet, and in
all forms of media, now known or later created.
With respect to your Public Member Content, such license includes, without
limitation, (a) the right for ImageStation and third parties to access and view the
portions of your Public Member Content on the Community Area; (b) the right to
access, display, reproduce, modify, and transmit any portions of your Public
Member Content, and to create, reproduce, display and distribute selected images,
frames, thumbnails or stills from such Public Member Content. You agree that
ImageStation may use the Member Content that you provide and make available on
the Community Area (by selecting such an option when uploading materials on the
Site, or at a later time), at any time for any other purposes.
With respect to your Private Member Content, such license includes, without
limitation, granting ImageStation and its contractors the right to access, display,
reproduce, modify, and transmit any portions of your Private Member Content in
order to store, host and display it on the Site, to improve site operations, and
comply with applicable laws.
You acknowledge and agree that certain technical processing or reformatting of
your Member Content may be required to (a) perform indexing functions; (b)
conform to connecting network technical requirements; (c) conform to the
limitations of the Service or other similar requirements.
As between ImageStation and you, you will own your Member Content, and
ImageStation owns all right, title and interest (including all intellectual property
rights) in and to the Site, the Service, the technology, information, documents, files,
WebPages and other product developed in connection with the Site or available on
the Site.
You agree not to translate, reverse engineer, reverse compile, disassemble or create
derivative works from software programming contained in the Site or the Service.
7. Member Profiles
Member Profiles are intended to be brief descriptions of a Member’s interest and
contact information. Any information you place on your Member Profile is
accessible to anyone visiting the Site, unless you have made it private by checking
the “Hide” box. You agree not to send transmissions through the Site that attempt
to hide your identity or represent yourself as someone else.