Video settings – Sony NWZ-S615FSLV User Manual

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Video Settings

To edit video-encoding settings, click the



at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN

window, and then click the


button on the left side of the window.

Go Pro

T his page is available only in M edia M anager P RO for WA LKM A N .



Video target

C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to indic ate the target res olution for

trans ferring video


to your WA LKM A N .

T o c reate a s maller file for your WA LKM A N , you c an us e a lower enc oding s etting. H igher
enc oding s ettings allow for better quality videos , but als o c reate larger file s izes , s o you'll fit
fewer videos on your WA LKM A N .

N ot all video formats are s upported by all WA LKM A N s . I f your WA LKM A N is unable to play

trans ferred video, try us ing a different Target s etting, or us e Low quality for maximum
c ompatibility.

Always encode video as MP4

Selec t this c hec k box if you want to enc ode all video files us ing the Sony M P 4 enc oder before
trans ferring them to your WA LKM A N .

When the c hec k box is not s elec ted, the s oftware will c hec k the video file to determine whether
enc oding is nec es s ary. I f the video is in a s upported format and you have not s elec ted a lower
quality s etting from the Target drop-down lis t, the video will be trans ferred without
re-enc oding.

I f the video is not in an appropriate format or if the Target s etting would produc e a s maller file,
the video is re-enc oded before trans ferring it to your WA LKM A N .

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