Modifying feed options – Sony NWZ-S615FSLV User Manual
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Modifying Feed Options
The Feed Options dialog allows you to edit a feed's title, URL, and download options.
C lick the
RSS Media Feed Mode
at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window.
In the
My Feeds
list, select the feed you would like to update.
C lick the
Feed Options
below the feed description. The Feed Options dialog is displayed.
C lick the
More Feed Details
to open your browser to the Web page associated with the
Make the following changes as necessary:
T ype the name you want to us e to identify the feed in the M y Feeds lis t.
T ype the Web addres s of the feed.
When new items are
available, download
C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to indic ate how many epis odes you
want to download for the s elec ted feed.
T he feeds are downloaded when you c lic k the Ref resh Feeds
button or are
downloaded automatic ally if you've enabled the Automatically ref resh f eeds
every s etting on the
RSS M edia Feed
page in the Settings pane.
How many items to keep
C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to indic ate how many epis odes you
want to pres erve on your c omputer.
O lder epis odes will be removed from your c omputer. E pis odes on your
WA LKM A N are not affec ted.
Automatically transf er new
items to device
Selec t this c hec k box if you want to download epis odes and trans fer them
automatic ally when your WA LKM A N is c onnec ted. E pis odes that are queued to
be trans ferred automatic ally are marked with a
I f you c lear this c hec k box, you will need to
trans fer
epis odes manually.
C lic k to open your default e-mail applic ation and s end a mes s age to the feed's
publis her. I f you're us ing a Web-bas ed e-mail c lient, you c an c opy and pas te the
addres s into a mes s age.
T his c ontrol is available only if the feed publis her has inc luded an e-mail addres s
in the feed.
C lick the
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