Orientation portrait/landscape, Vertical/horizontal flip, Densitometer – Nikon LS-3500 - LS-3510 User Manual
Page 36

Using The Macintosh Scanner Plugin
Software Reference for Scanners
Fig. 24
Photo of Gray Step Wedge
Fig. 25
Portrait/Landscape Orientation Switch
This button specifies orientation of the resulting scan from a normally
mounted original. If the original is placed in the scanner in a normal orientation as
viewed from the front, then the landscape button will produce the same orientation
on output to the screen. Depress the button to reveal the portrait icon and the
resulting scan will be rotated 90
from the position it was in the scanner film gate.
Vertical/Horizontal Flip
Fig. 26
Vertical/Horizontal Flip
After previewing the image you may wish to reverse from right-reading to
wrong-reading (i.e. a left/right flip). This is most useful when you wish to flop the
image because you have to scan it with the emulsion facing the front of the
scanner when maximum sharpness is required, avoiding scanning the image
through the base of the film. In the vertical orientation, you can save time if you
inadvertently place the film in upside-down. These buttons stay depressed for the
main scan. If there is slight speed degradation re-orienting a very high resolution
scan, it may be worthwhile to re-orient the film before scanning.
Fig. 27
RGB/CMY Densitometer
You can measure RGB or CMY values anywhere in the preview scan by
placing the cursor over the area of interest. Three numbers will appear at the top
of the preview frame, initially in RGB 8-bit notation (0-255). Holding down the
Command key (
1) and clicking the mouse will change the notation to CMY
values from 0-100% where 100% equals maximum density.