Brightness – Samsung LB17KSBB User Manual

Page 39

background image

Adju sting Yo ur

User con trol butt ons

Direct-Access Fe ature s

OSD Fu nction s

MagicTune ™

User control buttons


Op ens the OSD menu. Also use to exit t he OSD m enu or re turn to the p revious menu .


These b uttons allow you t o highlig ht and a dju st item s in t he men u.


Use to select the OSD menu .


MagicBright2™ is a ne w fea ture providing opt imu m vie wing environ ment d epending on the con tents of th e im age
you are watching.

Direct -Acces s Fe atures

| Brightness |

SyncMaster 793MB/795MB