Axis Communications 2460 User Manual

Page 31

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AXIS 2460 User’s Manual

Working with Recordings


Each line in the recordings list shows the following information:

• Rec ID - An event will create a recording (or one recording for each camera used by the event)

every time it is triggered. This ID number distinguishes different recordings created by the
same event.

• Priority - Determines how quickly the video frame rate for this recording will be reduced. This

is also determined by the setting made on the Recording Options Overview page. See also
page 52.

• Event/Camera - Shows the name of the event that created the recording, and the camera used

to create it.

• Start/Stop time - The time when the event started to record and when it ended. Note that if

there was a pre-buffer configured, then this will not be reflected in the Start time, nor will it
automatically be played back. To view the pre-buffer, restart the recording at the very begin-

• Status - Shows


if the event is currently recording. Also shown is a graded bar denoting

the recording's current degree of reduction. The darker green color denotes less reduction,
whereas the paler yellow color denotes higher reduction. See also page 53.

• Tools - The

Play button and the Lock button.

Viewing a Recording

Find the recording you wish to view. Click on the Play button and the AXIS Video Player

will start at the point when the event itself started. If there was a pre-buffer configured,

then this will not automatically be played back. To view the pre-buffer, restart the
recording at the very beginning. For full details on using the player, see page 33.

Searching for a Recording

To search for a particular recording, simply enter the criteria you wish to search by. The

search options are: Camera Name, Event Name and Time. The more criteria you enter, the
more exact the search results will be. To use a time as search critera, enter the time in the

fields provided and check the box Include time in search. After selecting the search

criteria, click Search.

Searching using time criteria means that the AXIS 2460 will display those recordings that

were running at that particular time, (i.e. the time can be anywhere in the recording and
not necessarily at the start).