Maintenance and troubleshooting, 1 maintenance, Maintenance – Campbell Scientific UT10 10 foot Tower w/ Grounding Kit and Hinged Base User Manual

Page 59: Get true north, True north

background image

UT10 Weather Station

FIGURE 8-32. Declination Angles East of True North are Subtracted

from 0 to get True North

FIGURE 8-33. Declination Angles West of True North are

Added to 0 to get True North

9. Maintenance and Troubleshooting

These guidelines apply to several different Campbell Scientific weather


9.1 Maintenance

Proper maintenance of weather station components is essential to obtain

accurate data. Equipment must be in good operating condition, which requires

a program of regular inspection and maintenance. Routine and simple

maintenance can be accomplished by the person in charge of the weather

station. More difficult maintenance such as sensor calibration, sensor

performance testing (for example, bearing torque), and sensor component

replacement, generally requires a skilled technician, or that the instrument be

sent to Campbell Scientific or the manufacturer.