2. j-bolt template assembly, 3. positioning the j-bolt in concrete, Figure 7-2 – Campbell Scientific UT10 10 foot Tower w/ Grounding Kit and Hinged Base User Manual

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UT10 Weather Station

3. Construct a concrete form shown in FIGURE 7-3 out of 2 inch x 4 inch

lumber 24 inch square (inside dimensions). Construct the 1 inch x 2 inch

template frame and set it aside. Center the form over the hole and drive a

stake centered along the outside edge of each side. Level the form by

driving nails through the stakes and into the form while holding the form



Position the J-bolt template as shown in FIGURE 7-3. The top of each

bolt will be 3.00 inch ±0.25 inch above the level of the form. Level the

tops of the J-bolts in all directions using a small level and secure the J-bolt

template to the template frame with 7/8 inch screws where holes in the

template overlap the wooden frame.

5. Fill the hole and form with concrete. Screed the concrete level with the

top of the form as shown in FIGURE 7-3. Smooth the concrete around the

three J-bolts and allow the concrete to harden.

FIGURE 7-2. J-bolt Template Assembly

FIGURE 7-3. Positioning the J-bolt in concrete.

It is common for air to be trapped behind the knee portion of

a J-bolt. Use a stick or rod to stir and tamp around each J-

bolt to ensure proper anchoring.