Introduction, 1. color coded, keyed connector panel, Raws-h remote automated weather station – Campbell Scientific RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station User Manual

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RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather

1. Introduction

The RAWS-H allows customers who own a Handar Data Collection Platform
to upgrade to a Campbell Scientific Remote Automated Weather Station, while
using the sensors and tower that they already own. The RAWS-H contains an
aluminum 14- by 18-in. environmental enclosure, a CR1000M Module, a 12
Vdc sealed rechargeable battery, a CH100 regulator, a Handar sensor connector
panel, a wiring panel, and a CR1000KD Keyboard Display.

Handar sensors that measure wind speed and direction, air temperature and
relative humidity, precipitation, and solar radiation can be attached to the
Handar sensor connector panel. The RAWS-H provides a wiring panel for
attaching additional sensors that measure barometric pressure, fuel moisture or
temperature, snow depth, or stream flow.

FIGURE 1-1. Color coded, keyed connector panel

Keep this manual and the CR1000KD Keyboard Display with
the RAWS. Review the station siting and orientation section
before field deployment. If a problem is encountered, review the
troubleshooting sections in this manual and Appendix A,
Equipment Wiring and Connector Panel Jumper Location.