Campbell Scientific PWS100 Present Weather Sensor User Manual

Page 64

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Section 7. Operation

FIGURE 7-19. Calibration disc constants menu

Selecting option 1 on the CALIBRATION top menu will bring up the VIEW /
ADJUST CALIBRATION menu (see Figure 7-20). On this menu the latest
calibration values will be evident in the left hand column of values headed
latest. Selecting option 0 on the VIEW / ADJUST CALIBRATION menu will
return the user to the previous menu without invoking any calibration changes.
Selecting option 1 from the VIEW / ADJUST CALIBRATION menu will
allow the user to update the calibration values for velocity, size and visibility.
If the values are in the target range then all is correct with the sensor. If values
are out then there may be a problem, such as dirty windows on the PWS100, an
error with the PWC100 calibrator, or some further problem with the PWS100
that may need investigation. In this instance, ensure that the PWC100
calibrator is working as described in the PWC100 calibrator manual, and
ensure that all lenses are clear of dirt or fingerprints. Place the PWS100 in a
suitable location and attempt the calibration again. If a problem persists then it
may be necessary to contact Campbell Scientific for further diagnostics.

The calibration should only be carried out during non-
precipitation conditions and during clear atmospheric conditions
(>10 km visibility).

