Campbell Scientific Raven110 GPRS/EDGE Digital Cellular Modem User Manual

Page 18

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Raven110 GPRS/EDGE AirLink Cellular Modem

The Device Port gets changed from the default 12345 to 3001 when the
template file is loaded into the modem (Section 5). The Device Port number
gets entered with the IP address in LoggerNet (Section 6).

The “Raven GPRS/EDGE Template 9600” template file sets the baud rate to
9600, which is the maximum baud rate for the CR10X and older dataloggers.
For newer dataloggers, the baud rate can be changed to the highest baud rate
supported by the datalogger (e.g. 115200 baud for the CR1000).

If an SC105 interface is used, its default baud rate of 9600 will have to be
changed to match the baud rate of the modem (using CSI’s DevConfig utility).

Baud rate changes require the modem to be reset before the
change takes affect. Click the Reset icon in Wireless Ace to the
reset the modem and implement the change.