Loggernet/pc400w software setup – Campbell Scientific Raven110 GPRS/EDGE Digital Cellular Modem User Manual
Page 15

Raven110 GPRS/EDGE AirLink Cellular Modem
6. LoggerNet/PC400W Software Setup
The Device Map is configured from the “Setup” button on the
LoggerNet/PC400W Toolbar. Configure the Device Map as described below.
1. Select Add Root | IPPort.
2. Add a datalogger to the IPPort (PakBus dataloggers, e.g. the CR1000,
require a PakBusPort).
3. On the IPPort page, add the IP address/domain name and the Port number
(the Raven template file configures the port to be 3001).
4. For PakBus dataloggers, leave the default settings on the PakBusPort page
(Extra Response Time may be needed).
5. For PakBus dataloggers, set the PakBus address to match that of the
datalogger (default address in the datalogger is 1).
LoggerNet Device Map
Preceding zeros are not entered in the Internet IP Address (e.g. is entered as