Campbell Scientific PConnect Software for Palm™ OS PDAs User Manual

Page 24

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PConnect for the Palm Handheld

File Control

The File Control window is applicable only to the CR1000, CR800/850, and
CR3000 dataloggers. It lets you manipulate the files that are stored on the
datalogger's CPU or on a card in the datalogger if one is installed.

The device (CPU or Card) is selected from the list box at the top of the
window. The files stored on the device are displayed in the field below.

Run - This option allows you to set the run attribute of a program file. Run
Now begins running the selected program immediately; all of the existing data
tables are deleted. Run on Start-up will set the file to run when the datalogger
is powered down and powered back up. Run Now and on Startup sets both the
Run Now and Run on Start-up options.

If a program has been stopped, but data tables have been
maintained, you will be presented with the options Restart
Program and Run On Power-up. If you choose Restart Program,
you will be asked whether to delete or maintain the existing


Stop - Stops the execution of the program currently running in the datalogger.
You will be asked whether to delete or maintain the existing data tables.

Pause - Temporarily pauses execution of the program. The button text
changes to Resume until the program is started again. When a program is
paused, all data tables in the datalogger are maintained.