2 connecting to the station – Campbell Scientific PConnect Software for Palm™ OS PDAs User Manual

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PConnect for the Palm Handheld

When you are finished editing the station parameters, touch OK. You will be
returned to the Stations window. PConnect has three main windows: the
Stations window, the Files window, and the PConnect Settings window. You
can navigate between the windows by pressing the window's name in the upper
right corner of the screen.

If you will be using the handheld to collect data from more than one
datalogger, you will need to create additional stations. To do this, press the
New button and repeat the setup process for all dataloggers.

A station can be deleted by highlighting it and pressing the Delete button. You
will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

4.2 Connecting to the Station

From the Stations window, choose a station to connect to and touch Connect.
The Measurements window will appear, displaying the current input locations
or public variables in the datalogger.

Scroll using
PConnect controls

Scroll using
Palm controls

If you are connected to a PakBus datalogger, you will see a list box above the
Measurement cells. This list box contains all the tables in the datalogger.
Select a table from the list to view its data.

Because of the small screen size, you may see only a few of the values in the
table. Touch the up or down arrows to the right of the measurement cells to
scroll through the values, or use the Palm's scroll buttons to see the additional

The value of an input location or public variable can be changed from the
Measurements window. Click within the cell to highlight it, press the Edit