B.2 edlog programs, B.2.1 – Campbell Scientific CSIM11 pH and ORP Sensors User Manual

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Appendix B. Example Programs

B.2 Edlog Programs

The following CR10X programs measure a CSIM11 and 107 temperature

probe and have the datalogger process the raw data after each measurement

sequence. The first program uses Edlog’s expression editor to apply the

temperature correction multiplier to the measured pH. The second program

uses a series of instructions to apply the temperature correction multiplier.

B.2.1 CR10X Program using Edlog’s Expression Editor

;Measure Water Temperature

1: Temp (107) (P11)
1: 1


2: 3

SE Channel

3: 1

Excite all reps w/E1

4: 1

Loc [ TempC ]

5: 1.0


6: 0.0


;Calculate the Multiplier for Temperature Correction
;using Edlog’s Expression Writer

pHMult= -1 / (((TempC + 273) / 298) * 59)

;Note: When a datalogger program that contains an expression is compiled,
;the appropriate instructions are automatically incorporated into the .DLD file.
;See Appendix B for a program not using the Expression Editor

;Measure pH

2: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1


2: 5

2500 mV Slow Range

3: 1

DIFF Channel

4: 2

Loc [ pH ]

5: 1.0


6: 0.0


;Apply the Temperature Correction Multiplier to the Measured pH

pH=pH * pHMult

;The following instruction applies an Offset to the pH. Use an Offset of 7
;initially as shown below. Adjust the Offset if necessary during probe calibration.

3: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 2

X Loc [ pH ]

2: 7


3: 2

Z Loc [ pH ]

;Example (One Minute) Output Processing Instructions

4: If time is (P92)
1: 0

Minutes (Seconds --) into a

2: 1

Interval (same units as above)

3: 10

Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)

5: Real Time (P77)
1: 0110

Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 0000)

6: Sample (P70)
1: 1


2: 2

Loc [ pH ]
