Campbell Scientific CS110 Electric Field Meter User Manual

Page 75

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Appendix G. CS110 2 Meter CM10 Tripod Site

FIGURE G-2. CS110 on CM10 Tripod Mast

Mount the fiberglass enclosure to the top of the leg facing the equator with the
top bracket approximately 2 inches (5 cm) below the top of the leg. Be careful
opening the lid because in this almost horizontal position it is possible to pull
the hinge rivets out of the enclosure.

If there is a solar panel, install the solar panel on the leg facing the equator
below the enclosure. Tilt the solar panel at an angle less than horizontal that is
equal to the latitude plus 10 degrees (see solar panel manual).

Ground the CS110 Electric Field Meter (Figure G-2), the tripod, and the
battery (through the enclosure ground) with three separate ground wires as
shown in Figure G-3. Power and communication cables should be run down
the equator side of the mast and under the enclosure as shown. Wire-tie all
cables into place so they don’t move with the wind.
