Campbell Scientific CS11-L Current Transformer User Manual

Page 15

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CS11-L Current Transformer

Current(RepsI). The measured current in amps rms,
repeated to give RepsI values.

VPhaseI(RepsI). The measured phase angle in radians that
the voltage leads the current, repeated to give RepsI values.
The cosine of VPhaseI is the power factor.

VHarmRatio. The measured voltage harmonic distortion
ratio given as the total harmonic content divided by the
fundamental content at LineFrq Hz. VHarmRatio is unitless.

IHarmRatio(RepsI). The measured current harmonic
distortion ratio given as the total harmonic content divided
by the fundamental content at LineFrq Hz, repeated to give
RepsI values. IHarmRatio is unitless.

ConfigAC = 2

Returns a maximum of 12 values in the following order:

TotPower. The total real power in watts.

Power(2). The real power in watts measured by the voltage
and each of two current measurements.

MeasFrq. The measured voltage frequency in Hz.

Voltage. The measured voltage in volts rms.

Current(2). The measured current in amps rms, repeated to
give two values.

VPhaseI(2). The measured phase angle in radians that the
voltage leads the current, repeated to give two values. The
cosine of VPhaseI is the power factor.

VHarmRatio. The measured voltage harmonic distortion
ratio given as the total harmonic content divided by the
fundamental content at LineFrq Hz. VHarmRatio is unitless.

HarmRatio(2). The measured current harmonic distortion
ratio given as the total harmonic content divided by the
fundamental content at LineFrq Hz, repeated to give two
values. IHarmRatio is unitless.

ConfigAC = 3

Returns a maximum of 20 values in the following order:

TotPower. The total real power in watts.

Power(3). The real power in watts measured for each of the
three line conductors.

MeasFrq. The measured voltage frequency in Hz.

Voltage(3). The measured voltage in volts rms for each of
the three line conductors.