Campbell Scientific CM106B Tripod User Manual
Page 8

Table of Contents
6-1. Tripod leg, leg clamp components ...................................................... 6
6-2. Comparison of one leg pointing downhill (right) versus two legs
pointing downhill ............................................................................. 7
6-4. Mast attachment to tripod base ............................................................ 9
6-8. Ground rod and clamp ....................................................................... 13
6-11. Enclosure with the –MM bracket ...................................................... 16
6-12. Enclosure with the –LM bracket ....................................................... 17
6-13. CM210 Crossarm Mounting Kit (shown with user-supplied pipe) ... 18
6-14. CM216 Mast Mounting Kit ............................................................... 19
6-15. CM220 Right Angle Mounting Kit ................................................... 20
6-16. CM225 Pyranometer Mounting Stand ............................................... 21
6-17. CM230 and CM230XL Adjustable Angle Mounting Kits ................ 22
6-18. CM235 Magnetic Mounting Stand .................................................... 23
6-19. R.M. Young Gill Radiation Shield .................................................... 24