Installation, 1 siting, 2 assembly and mounting – Campbell Scientific 03001-L R.M. Young Wind Sentry Set User Manual
Page 7: 3 03001 wind sentry set

R.M. Young Wind Sentry
The black outer jacket of the cable is Santoprene
rubber. This
compound was chosen for its resistance to temperature extremes,
moisture, and UV degradation. However, this jacket will
support combustion in air. It is rated as slow burning when
tested according to U.L. 94 H.B. and will pass FMVSS302.
Local fire codes may preclude its use inside buildings.
3. Installation
3.1 Siting
Locate wind sensors away from obstructions (e.g. trees and building). As a
general rule of thumb there should be a horizontal distance of at least ten times
the height of the obstruction between the windset and the obstruction. If it is
necessary to mount the sensors on the roof of a building, the height of the
sensors above the roof, should be at least 1.5 times the height of the building.
See Section 9 for a list of references that discuss siting wind speed and
direction sensors.
3.2 Assembly and Mounting
Tools Required:
• 5/64” Allen wrench
• Allen wrench provided with sensor
• 1/2” open end wrench
• compass and declination angle for the site (see Appendix A)
• small screw driver provided with datalogger
• UV resistant cable ties
• small pair of diagonal-cutting pliers
• 6 - 10” torpedo level
3.3 03001 Wind Sentry Set
Install the cupwheel to the anemometer shaft using the Allen wrench provided
with the sensor.
The 03001 mounts to a standard 0.75” IPS schedule 40 pipe (1.05” O.D.). A
12” long mounting pipe ships with the 03001 for attaching the sensor to a
019ALU or CM200 series crossarm with the CM220 or PN 1049 (Figures 3-1
and 3-2). The 03001 can also be mounted at the top of a CM6/CM10 tripod
mast, or to a CM110 series tripod with the CM216 as shown in Figure 3-4.
Mount the 019ALU or CM200 series crossarm to the tripod or tower. Orient
the crossarm North-South, with the 3/4” Nu-Rail or CM220 on the North end.
Appendix A contains detailed information on determining true north using a
compass and the magnetic declination for the site.
Secure the mounting pipe to the 019ALU or CM220. Place the 03001 on the
pipe, and orient the sensor crossarm North-South with the vane to the North.
Tighten the mounting post band clamp. Final sensor orientation is done after