Figures, Tables – Campbell Scientific 03001-L R.M. Young Wind Sentry Set User Manual
Page 4

R.M. Young Wind Sentry Table of Contents
A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation........................ A-1
A.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation ................................ A-1
B. Wind Direction Measurement Theory .................... B-1
B.1 AC Half Bridge (P5) and BRHalf Instructions.................................... B-1
B.2 EX-DEL-SE (P4) Instruction .............................................................. B-1
3-1. 03001 Mounted to CM200 Series Crossarm with CM220 ..................... 4
3-2. 03001 Mounted to 019ALU or CM200 Series Crossarm
with PN 1049....................................................................................... 4
3-3. 03101 Anemometer Mounted to CM200 Series Crossarm
with CM220......................................................................................... 5
3-4. 03001 Mounted to CM100 Series Tripod Mast with CM216................. 5
A-1. Magnetic Declination for the Contiguous United States ................... A-2
A-2. Declination Angles East of True North are Subtracted from 0 to
Get True North ................................................................................ A-2
A-3. Declination Angles West of True North are Added to 0 to
Get True North ................................................................................ A-3
B-1. 03001/03301 Potentiometer in a Half Bridge Circuit ........................ B-1
1-1. Recommended Lead Lengths ................................................................. 1
4-1. Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers ................................... 6
5-1. Wind Speed Multiplier ........................................................................... 7
5-2. Parameters for Wind Direction ............................................................... 8
5-3. Wiring for Example Programs................................................................ 9