Troubleshooting – Samlex America MSK-135 User Manual
Page 14
SectIOn 4 |
troubleshooting & Maintenance
GReen StAtUS LeD “Pv” (5B, FiG 3.2) DoeS not LiGHt
Solar array input voltage to the Charge Controller has been disconnected.
ensure all Solar Module cables are connected correctly and are not damaged.
ensure that the solar array is exposed to sunlight.
Modules are exposed to sunlight. No battery has been connected / battery connec-
tion is broken / battery voltage < 6V.
ensure the 16 ft. / 32 ft. battery cable between the Charge Controller and the bat-
tery is connected correctly and is not damaged.
Check that fuses (6, 10 - fig 3.2) are not blown. be sure the polarity is correct. If
fuses continue to burn, the most likely cause is reversed polarity at the battery
terminals. It may also be due to some catastrophic failure in the Charge Controller
in rare cases.
Check battery voltage. If the voltage is less than 6V, the Charge Controller will not
turn oN.
GReen StAtUS LeD “BAtt” (5c, FiG 3.2) DoeS not FLASH SLoWLY
Indicates that the battery is not fully charged. In certain circumstances where the
battery or battery bank is under constant load, the fully charged state may never
be reached long enough for the ‘float’ Mode to be engaged. This is common
and normal in most rV and Marine applications. It is important that the battery
gets fully charged frequently (at least once per week). otherwise the battery can
become permanently damaged due to under charging. Partially charged batteries
can quickly sulfate internally which is an irreversible condition. It is good practice to
prevent a battery from being discharged below 50%. Deeper discharging severely
shortens battery life.
MoDULeS ARe exPoSeD to SUnLiGHt AnD BAtteRY iS not connecteD; “Pv” LeD
(5B, FiG 3.2) iS SteADY GReen; “BAtt” LeD (5c, FiG 3.2) iS SteADY GReen WitH ReD
FLicKeRinG; LoW voLtAGe oF < 5v At tHe BAtteRY teRMinALS
Module(s) are exposed to sunlight; battery was connected earlier and was subse-
quently removed. restore battery connection.
BAtteRY APPeARS to FULLY cHARGeD WitH tHe SYSteM connecteD, BUt GoeS
battery has failed. This can happen to old batteries and even new ones if not
properly cared for. Confirm battery condition with a 100 Amp ‘battery Load Tester’
obtained at any auto parts store or ask your dealer to test the battery for you.
replace the battery if necessary.
LeDS “SeALeD”, “GeL”, “FLooDeD” (5F, 5e, 5D, FiG 3.2) FLASH SiMULtAneoUSLY
over-temperature protection has activated (Heat Sink > 85°C). Input and output cir-
cuits will be disconnected and reset automatically when temperature drops to 75°C.