2 power/data connector – Matrix Orbital VK204-25 Legacy User Manual
Page 14
Power Through DB-9 Jumper
In order to provide power through pin 9 of the DB-9 Connector you must place a solder jumper on the
Power through DB-9 Jumper pictured in
figure 15
below. The VK204-25 allows all voltage models to use
the power through DB-9 option, see table 1 on the following page for display module voltage requirements.
Figure 15: Power Through DB-9 Jumper
Do not apply voltage through pin 9 of the DB-9 connector
AND through the Power/Data Connector at the same time.
Power/Data Connector
The Power/Data Connector provides a standard connector for powering the display module. The VK204-
25 requires five volts for the standard display module, between nine to fifteen for the wide voltage (V)
and between nine to thirty-five volts for the wide voltage with efficient power supply module (VPT). The
voltage is applied through pins one and four of the four pin Power/Data connector. Pins two and three are
reserved for serial transmission, using either the RS-232/TTL or the I
C protocol, depending on what has
been selected by the Protocol Select Jumpers.
Matrix Orbital