Texsport 01905 Camo Trail Tent User Manual

Item 01905
Camouflage Two-Person Trail Tent
Thank you for purchasing this Texsport tent. Please read and understand each step of the set-up instructions. We encourage you to set-up this tent
at least once prior to your camping trip, ensuring that you have a satisfactory understanding of the set-up process. We hope you enjoy your new
tent and that it will give you many years of camping pleasure.
Do not apply excessive force to this product.
STEP 1 - Connect poles in this
order: Bottom Pole with Rubber
Stoper into Center Pole. Then
these go into Top Pinned Pole.
STEP 2 - Roll our tent on flat clean
surface, and stake down all 4
STEP 3 - Guy rope to better se-
cure your tent from wind by
tying a loop in one end of the
guy rope.
A ......1 Tent Skin
B ......Plastic Clews
C ......Guy Rope
D ......Stakes
E ......Top Pole with Pins....2 EA.
F ......Center Pole....2 EA.
G......Bottom Poles with Rubber
Stopper....2 EA.
Prepare your camp site by removing
all sharp stones, twigs, etc. The site
should be flat and have no depres-
sions that could collect rain water.
STEP 4 - The other end of the guy
rope should go through the clew
as shown above. Up through one
hole, down through the center
hole, and back up through the
last hole. Tie a knot at the end so
the guy can not slip out.
STEP 6 - Take the looped end of
the rope and slip over the pin on
top of the pole.
STEP 5 - Insert the tent poles
into the grommets on the tent